The A-Z of Canine Hoopers
The A-Z of Canine Hoopers
The A-Z of Canine Hoopers features a range of alphabet shaped courses and sequences and a heap of training exercises to get your teeth into. Suitable for those at pre-competition stage, right through to partnerships competing in the early grades of competition. There is plenty to try for all abilities and experience levels and includes everything from small garden sequences to full competition courses.
Written by Mayday Training - Sarah Hamblin, this fully bound, 64 page, A5 paperback includes structured exercises as well as handling hints, tips and guides to get the most out of your valuable training time, whether you have 5 minutes waiting for dinner to cook or an hour of peace and quiet. Written in a relaxed manner with the understanding that there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to training, Large course diagrams and simplified training & handling challenges make it a great companion in your kit bag, and with over 150 exercises for just £18 it's an absolute steal! Grab your copy today and satisfy your #hookedonhoopers addiction!
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